
Pagina oficială Direcției Generale Comerț Logistică a Comisiei Europene a emis un avertisment cu privire la riscul de răspundere civilă și penală pentru orice activitate comercială și de afaceri a companiilor UE în Nagorno-Karabah precum și în zonele învecinate, direct sau printr-o sucursală. De asemenea, s-a subliniat că astfel de activități vor afecta posibilitatea vizitării Azerbaidjanul pe viitor.

The publishing of the data contained in the applied tariffs and import formalities sections is subject to strict conditions defined in the contracts binding the European Commission and its external data providers. Two categories of users are authorized to get access:

  1. Anonymous users connected through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) located in the geographical zone comprising the 28 member states of the European Union and Turkey.
  2. Official representatives of the EU member states located anywhere in the world. According to our system, you are located in Azerbaijan (AZ).
    Are you an official representative of a EU member state (or of Turkey)?
    Yes : if you already have your personal user account please login If you want a personal account please contact us.
    No : we are sorry to have to deny access to the protected sections.

If you want more information on the terms of use of the Market Access Database, please refer to our FAQ.

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